531 Raleigh Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Children and Youth Religious Education
Publications and Communications
Clerk of Meeting or appropriate committee
I'm interested in joining a committee I have an idea for a ForumAdult Religious Education committee
I have a desire for Clearness for Marriage or need a clearness or support committee for a personal issue I can't get into the Meeting House or the SchoolhouseBuildings and Grounds committee or Resident
I have a problem with one of the buildingsBuildings and Grounds committee or Resident
I have questions about QuakerismMinistry and Worship committee
I'm considering becoming a memberMinistry and Worship committee
I'm requesting membershipLetter to Clerk of Meeting
I'd like to make a donation or to get a tax receipt I need a travelling minute, a letter of introduction, or a letter of transfer I'd like to undertake some Quaker service (e.g. FCNL, AFSC, QEW) and need some financial help for travel I'd like some spiritual or leadership development and need some financial help I have a short term request for food or visitation I need to report the death, injury or illness of a Meeting member/attenderClerk of Meeting or Clerk of Care and Counsel
Publications and Communications committee for In The Light IF YOU HAVE PERMISSION
I have some information I would like to get out to the MeetingPublications and Communications committee for monthly newsletter, weekly enews, In The Light, and webpage
I want to communicate with someone at Orange County CorrectionalPlease refer to the Transition and Support Committee's recommendation.