A Forum is offered on most Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. from late August through late June. Forums are offered to enhance and deepen our spiritual lives.
During the COVID-19 crisis Forums have moved to an online format
The Adult Religious Education Committee schedules Forums that offer a wide variety of topics as related to Quaker faith and practice, social issues, personal sharings, outside speakers, Chapel Hill Friends Meeting Committees, etc. (There is no Forum on the third Sunday of each month, which is the 9:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.)
A Peace & Justice sponsored forum with Cathy Buckley.
Preparation for incapacity and end of life. A Care & Counsel sponsored forum.
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business at 9:00 a.m
A contemplation on the life of Jesus of Nazareth that imaginatively engages with Christian scripture to fill in the backstories of some of the people whose lives intersected with his. Scripture fan-fiction. Midrash. Heresy.
A Peace & Justice sponsored forum with Joe Groves.